Thursday 26 December 2013

Insider's Secrets To Window Installation Methods

Hi, Aaron here from California Deluxe Windows. I want to share a few ideas with you today about window installations and most importantly, things you were told by very large window companies that want you to believe there is only one way a window installation can be done. They are usually referring to the two most popular methods that contractors use when installing replacement windows.

First, they suggest that in order to make it absolutely perfect, and that it never leaks, that you need to break out the stucco around the perimeter of the window somewhere between 6 to 9 inches in width because that is the size of the flashing paper. And that you should put new flashing paper along with the new replacement window with a nail fin flange which has to be screwed in every 6 inches and sealed with one continuous bead of caulking to meet all the building and safety requirements. Finally, we will re-apply the stucco and this way, you will have it finished and sealed as it was originally intended. That's true, except visually, it stinks! It stinks to high heaven because you see all the new stucco around your windows. The problem is that stucco is like handwriting in that no two people will be able to match the other's work identically. You can paint 3 layers of paint over it, even 5, it doesn't matter. It will always look like rings around the window and there will always be evidence of the damage that was done to your stucco. This is not the best way to install windows. In the rare cases and special circumstances where you have no alternative, it can be done.

However there is a second method that is pitched to customers where new windows are put inside your old window frame. Yes, they will remove the old window sashes, moving parts and glass but the window will go in, inside the old frame. This way they claim will protect the flashing paper and it will not leak. True. Except it will make your window smaller and it will not result in a true structural installation because it will be installed into the old frame.

We here at California Deluxe Windows came up with a new proprietary method of window installation. We use block frame windows and the secret to the success of our proprietary window installation is that we have devised an approved way to apply secondary flashing paper that allows us not to put the replacement window inside the old window frame but to install the window against the studs. This results in a new window installation where the opening is as big as possible.

Meanwhile you can call 1 (800) NEW WINDOWS or visit to ask any questions or even call me personally. I will give you all the details you may request regarding our block frame installation which is approved by most California building and safety departments.

 "This 3 minute video is the most straightforward and easy to understand advice on window installations available on the internet today."

Thank You,
Aaron, RMO of California Deluxe Windows®

Visit or call (800) 639-9463 for more information.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Common Questions about Vinyl Windows FAQ

On this article I have discussed one of the most common questions that we normally receive regarding Vinyl Windows.All major components that make up a custom vinyl replacement window installation project are discussed in our other blog posts, but this one in particular focuses on window colors.

When customers search for the perfect windows in California, they normally ask questions about their options. While every home owner has his/her own needs and different visions on how they want their windows to look like. Most people like to know if there are colored vinyl windows. Well, the answer to this question is “YES”.

Colored Vinyl Options
With California Deluxe Windows, you can choose a custom color for your vinyl windows as long as you provide a sample. What you may not know is that such a service is not available everywhere. You will need to talk with your window manufacturer find out if your color of choice is even available for them to make your windows in.
Visit for more information.

 "This 3 minute video is the most straightforward and easy to understand advice on window installations available on the internet today."

Window Installation Musts

On this post, I will be sharing some window installation musts which you should not forget when shopping for replacement vinyl windows to install in your home.
There are several tips which are not known by many that you should be aware of when you are purchasing vinyl windows to be installed in your beautiful home. Excellent installation is not the only thing you should be demanding from a window replacement manufacturer. There are some other components that you need to insist on prior before signing with a window contractor.

What You Didn’t Know
The most complains I have heard from our customers are situations whereby a contractor fails to clean after installing the vinyl windows. This is very risky when you have children and pets. Also most of them complain that their contractors failed to complete the installation as stated in the contract and the main reason is miscommunication. Therefore, it is advisable to really check if the firm you are hiring takes care of these two major issues.
Visit for more information.

 "This 3 minute video is the most straightforward and easy to understand advice on window installations available on the internet today."